Sunday, February 1, 2009

Artist Harry Farfan at Winterfest 2009

January 31, 2009 - "It's a self portrait" says Artist Harry Farfan, as he works on his caveman 'slush sculpture' at Gosport Marina on Saturday. The snow sculpture contest, featuring Farfan, was part of Brighton's 2009 Winterfest. Photo by Matthew Killby


Allie said...

Those pictures are wonderful! I love to see people making the best of the cold weather. I love the picture where he's posing like his sculpture.

Unknown said...

Rest in peace Harry. You were a free spirit and a great talent. You will be missed.
Thank you Matthew Kirby for shooting this piece on Harry, which I'm sure his friends will treasure.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pictures and video of my brother Harry doing his thing. What a cold and wet looking way to make art, but obviously still fun for Harry and his fans! While in the midst of mourning Harry, my family has very much enjoyed your post - thanks again.
Leslie Farfan